Saturday, March 6, 2010

Open thread: Quantity vs. Impact

Manuscripts submitted to Glamor Mags are generally packed full of data. In fact, often one could envision a second paper being written based on what's in the supplementary materials alone. Of course, that might take the manuscript out of the running for publication in Glamor Mag.

So here's a question for you, readers:
  • Which is better: one publication in a glamor mag (as in the Cell/Nature/Science families) vs. two publications in a highly reputable but lower impact factor journal (say along the lines of JBC)?
I realize, as with so many things in life, there is no single answer
here. So perhaps the better questions are:
  • What factors impact your decision, and how so?
Upcoming T&P decisions, grant deadlines, job searches? Competition with other labs? Time from submission to decision? Personnel changes in the lab? Editorial interest?

Finally, if you decide to go for the Glamor Mag publication, how many times to you appeal a rejection before deciding to move on?